Friday, January 14, 2011

Well, this group assignment was mainly about the aspects or information regarding creative multimedia.We are required to create our mind map for this assignment. Well, we kept on generating ideas by using mind maps and as well as random words or juxtaposition throughout the progress of this assignment..

Firstly, before we started to do our work,we had group discussion on what we want to discuss about creative multimedia. After a long discussion, we finally came to a conclusion that we wished to focus on its contribution towards the society.

Below are our mind maps:

However, the above seemed can be improved to a better ones so we eventully tried to redo the mindmap and below are our hard work:

Next, we were told to create some fine sketches that can represent our concept for the creative multimedia. Hence, below are some of our fine using the random word of illustrate contribution of creative multimedia to the society..

Next, the drawing were to be merged or combined with the ideas of the others....and then we reproduced the drawings for the second time..

Well, these drawings were to illustrate that without the creative multimedia, the world is incomplete....

FINALLY, we needed to create a video production to show a clearer picture on how did creative multimedia serve the community and contribute to the society...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

for the final group assignment^^

Well, this group assignment was mainly about the aspects or information regarding creative multimedia.We are required to create our mind map for this assignment. Well, we kept on generating ideas by using mind maps and as well as random words or juxtaposition throughout the progress of this assignment..

Firstly, before we started to do our work,we had group discussion on what we want to discuss about creative multimedia. After a long discussion, we finally came to a conclusion that we wished to focus on its contribution towards the society.

Below are our mind maps:

However, the above seemed can be improved to a better ones so we eventully tried to redo the mindmap and below are our hard work:

Next, we were told to create some fine sketches that can represent our concept for the creative multimedia. Hence, below are some of our fine using the random word of illustrate contribution of creative multimedia to the society..

Next, the drawing were to be merged or combined with the ideas of the others....and then we reproduced the drawings for the second time..

Well, these drawings were to illustrate that without the creative multimedia, the world is incomplete and it 
will bring many problems and consequences towards the growth of the economy of our country.

Finally, we were asked to create a short video to illustrate the concept of our perception towards creative multimedia based on our understandings and our drawings above.....